Van Vliet Muziek is een echte winkel met muziekinstrumenten en een begrip in de regio Midden Nederland
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LR Baggs Banjo pickup

LR Baggs Banjo pickup LR Baggs Banjo pickup LR Baggs Banjo pickup
LR Baggs Banjo pickup LR Baggs Banjo pickup LR Baggs Banjo pickup
LR Baggs Banjo pickup
Leveraging the unitary design that made the Violin Pickup a staple for thousands of performing musicians, LR Baggs now molds the same miniature vibration sensor direc...

Standaard levertijd

2-3 dagen

€ 199,00
Op verlanglijst

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Leveraging the unitary design that made the Violin Pickup a staple for thousands of performing musicians, LR Baggs now molds the same miniature vibration sensor directly into a 5/8” banjo bridge. As an integral part of the bridge, the pickup captures inherent characteristics of the instrument fluently at the source without altering any acoustic properties. It comes with a fully custom jack and mounting system They engineered to be reliable, easy to install, and aesthetically compatible with the finest instruments.

5/8” maple bridge with pickup
Unitary design for maximum sensitivity and signal transfer
Custom jack and mounting system
Installs in minutes

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